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Category Archives: Uncategorised
Blog update
The Doc has recovered the blog, but there are still some issues around linked images. It looks like they may need to be fixed manually. The Doc had to use an earlier backup, so some some posts were lost.
Eromanga trip – Eremophila longifolia
The tree was located on the corner of the Quilpie to Eulo Rod and the Toompine to Eulo Road. Which is just south of the tiny township of Toompine. The tree has lots of common names including Dogwood, Ngawil, Weeping Emubush, Berrigan, Long-Leaved Eremophila, Native Plum, Emu Bush, Long Leaf Emu Bush, Native Plum Tree, Emu Apple, Emubush, Berrigan Emubush, Juniper Tree, Native Plum-Tree!

Eromanga trip – Nicotiana megalosiphon
Common name wild tobacco. It only grows in shaded areas, which are not that common out Eromanga way. At one sand dune The Doc saw the plant growing around some trees – but only where the bloodwood tree provided shade for much of the day. These images were from a shaded area behind the Eromanga Natural History Museum.

Grenadier build – Outback Shakedown Round 3 (2 to come)
Today the Australian Wildlife Conservancy stickers went on the car. The Doc found himself smiling when driving back home, as the build is now complete after some changes yesterday (those are being written up). The first time he can remember being so happy since the fatal car accident 18 months ago. The Grenadier build has been therapeutic! The Doc is still working through some injuries and trauma but starting to fell better.
The car is back to being AWC’s mobile billboard and ready for The Doc’s Excellent Adventure.
Observant readers will have noticed the car’s name is now official: Wally. Named after the wallaby The Doc hit on the road earlier this year. The Doc added a Wally sticker to the driver’s side bonnet.

Ptilotus latifolius – Tangled mulla mulla – Eromanga trip
From the Eromanga trip along the Copper Developmental Road.

Grenadier build – Eibach 35mm Pro Lift spring kit fitted
Wally, the Grenadier, has had its 15,00km service. Plus it got a 35mm Eibach Pro Lift spring kit.

Sida Cleisocalyx: Stunning Flora Images – Eromanga trip
Some more flora images this time Sida cleisocalyx, known as the Sponge sida.

Eromanga trip – Solanum ellipticum
Some flora images from the Eromanga trip. Solanum ellipticum or more commonly known as the Potato Bush, Dhiilguwin, Nightshade, Velvet Potato Bush, Wild Tomato, Tomato Bush, Wild Gooseberry, Potato Weed, Velvet Potato-Bush, Hillside Flannel Bush, Velvet Nightshade!

Queensland Outback
The Doc has started taking the Grenadier off road in the Queensland Outback around Eromanga – home of Australia’s giant dinosaurs.
One thing he noticed is how quick tyre temps and pressures increased when he hit the corrugations (washboard). Temperature jumps that take an hour to an hour and a half on the road took about 10 minutes on the corrugations.
The car performs well on corrugations, but The Doc has not hit really bad corrugations yet. The Doc visited Pegler’s Pond this morning, which is running low on water. Out here all the water is brown from the suspended silt. Not long after, it started to rain turning the dust into mud.
As The Doc writes, Galahs and Correllas are flying around screeching, enjoying the rain.

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