The same bee-eater and perch at Lennox continues to deliver. From today, enjoy.

The same bee-eater and perch at Lennox continues to deliver. From today, enjoy.
Some Red-kneed Dotterels from Gundabooka National Park on the recent adventure. Enjoy.
Not the favourite bird of bee-keepers.
Map of the recent birding trip.
Incoming rain storms cut the Gundabooka National Park trip short by a day, The Doc still got plenty of images. Here is a selection of budgies. Must click image to see full size (it is worth it).
Major Mitchell Cockatoos, Cockateils, Bourke Parakeets, Chestnut-breasted Quail Thrush, wrens and emus to come in later posts.
Some red-capped robins from the Flinders Ranges.
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