Cunnamulla, Eulo, Thargomindah – Outback Queensland

After leaving Stanthorpe, The Doc travelled along the Stanthorpe-Texas Road. Then through Texas and heading northward to Inglewood (along the Inglewood-Texas Road), which was a great drive early in the morning. Time to visit the local bakery and get some warm bacon and cheese topped rolls, which was the food for the day (nice rolls they were). The last roll later in the day was warmed up in the Travel Buddy Oven.

The Doc drove all day and stayed overnight at Cunnamulla. It was a long day’s driving. On the way The Doc fueled at a Roadhouse outside Goondawindi. From memory, it was time for a Magnum ice cream.

Leaving Cunnamulla early the next morning The Doc travelled west out of Cunnamulla via Eulo (Eu-lo) and Thargomindah (Thar-go-min-dah) along the Bulloo Developmental Road. Here is an interactive map of the trip from Ballina to Eromanga.

Eulo is a place where many of the Australian Megafauna, like the Diprotodon, are found.

Previously The Doc had always travelled north out of Cunnamulla along the Mitchell Highway, but a change was in order.

The Doc visited Noccundra and then turned northwards onto the Cooper Developmental Road and up into Eromanga the back way.

The traffic was light all the way. It turns out had The Doc gone the normal way (Cunnamulla, Charleville, Quilpie and then Eromanga) he would have run into many cars heading to the Big Red Bash at Birdsville.

On a back road, The Doc came across a little oasis in the in the middle of nowhere in this semi arid landscape. Enjoy.

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